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It is not uncommon that, while owners with their dogs – orderly on their leashes – walk down the street in opposite direction, an unpleasant situation occurs. When at least on of the dogs starts barking. And it is very common that owners themselves react in the wrong way.

One of the most common mistakes is pulling the leash back, and by doing that, lifting your dog so it stands on its hind legs. Why is this a mistake? The first reason is body position of the dog standing on its hind legs, this is actually a position dogs often take while fighting  by rearing up they try to overpower and take down the opponent. The second reason is that this position is higher than the neutral position of the dog, which is not good, since it indicates confidence and domination. In this situation, confidence should not be encouraged, not to mention dominance. The third reason is pulling the leash itself, this brings tension because the message of your disapproval is not being sent clearly. While performing corrections, the leash should be pulled to the side in quick, short and clear manner.

The second most common mistake is explaining the dog that this behaviour is not ok. Longer sentences do not correct the dog, but can only bring more anxiety. Always use short commands.

The third most common mistake – which is the most difficult to control because it comes from the unconsciousness – is the tension of the person holding the leash. Especially present if the dog is growling, pouncing or showing the clear intention to attack. This discomfort brings tension in many humans, and very often it brings the fear itself. The dog can register that in the movement and the leash and the voice of the owner. This is why you should try to react calmly.

Hence, these types of reactions make problems escalate and deepen. From the best intention – to calm your dog down – humans actually encourage the state the dog got into. They encourage aggression.