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250aIt is common opinion that when a dog licks it gives kisses. But that is not completely true. Very often it can mean exactly that – affection, but not any licking = kissing.


1. Showcasing love, respect or submission, especially towards a person it considers a leader. It is usually followed by lowering the body to appear smaller and by looking up emphasizing impression of a cub-like behaviour. This also happens when two dogs meet – submissive licks the dominant.

2. Part of a sexual ritual. A male licks ears, genitals or other body parts of a female.

3. Reconcilable behaviour. This behaviour especially has the elements of cub-like behaviour.

4. Hunger or asking for a bite.

5. Stress or fear. A dog licks its own lips. It sticks its tongue out quickly so it appears if it is licking the air. It can also lie on the ground and nervously lick its paws or body.

7. Feeling nausea. It may lick its own lips, lick itself with dilated pupils, licking the carpet or another object.

8. Felling anxiety. A dog can lick a person's hand, but due to uneasiness. This can be noticed if all signals of dog communication are taken into consideration.