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Mature dog needs at least two walks per day, which is at least one and a half hour of walking. But the number of outings and time spent varies from dog to dog. There is no precise, universal formula. The only criterion should be that it is long enough for a dog to get tired. Factors included are:

1. Temper and energy of the dog – some enjoy longer, some shorter walks. Some are more keen on active and some on lighter walks, depending on the temper. This is why it is important for you and your dog's energy to be in sync or close to similar. This is important when selecting a dog.


140a2. Age of the dog – by ageing, it is natural for dogs to get out of shape. Older dogs may get tired after 15 minutes.

3. Dog's health – be as much as involved as possible in your dog's health condition and its limits as far as physical activity goes. It will be easier to notice some behavioural irregularity during the walk or possible medical problems. Do not push it too far. If it gets tired, take a break. If it usually likes to go for a un three times a day and suddenly stops during a regular walk, it might nit feel well. Seek a vet's advice. If a dog has a chronic illness, also seek a vet's advice bout the duration of the walk and the pace.