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In his novel, Jack London tells a story about a dog named Buck, which goes from living on the estate of rich Judge Miller, in warm climate, to minus temperatures climate with snow, where he becomes a sled dog, which people in 1897 used for running off to the North, to Klondike region, in search for gold. Buck is introduced to the law of the fang and the law of the club; his instincts awaken, hiss desire to live and to be stronger than harsh conditions. He gets to know ways people can treat dogs: they can be cruel, greedy, just...

„[...] and while he developed no affection for them, he nonetheless grew honestly to respect them. He speedily learned that Perrault and Francois were men, calm and impartial in administering justice[...]“

The time spent in nature makes him forget serene way of living he once had, and the call of the wild becomes more appealing.