Kingdom: Animals (Animalia)
Phylum (Phulum): Chordates (Chordata)
Subphylum (Subphulum): Vertebrates (Vertebrata)
Class (Classa): Mammals (Mammalia)
Order (Ordo): Carnivores (Carnivora)
Family (Familia): Dogs (Canidae)
Genus (Genus): Vulpes
There are more than ten species of foxes. Foxes are dogs, but they are not closely related to wild dogs nor wolves. All senses are extraordinary, especially of the smell. Fox does not appreciate company and that is a huge distinction from domestic dogs and jackals.
Foxes differ from other members of canid family by the shape of their eyes, frailer frame and long bushy tail.
The behaviour differs from other dogs. It does not appreciate company and usually lives solitary life so it is not unusual that they are most commonly individual hunters that strive to keep other foxes out of their territory. In search for food they can travel up to 10 km.
Foxes eat almost anything: small mammals such as mice, birds, lizards, frogs, reptile eggs, snakes, insects, worms, fruit... They often feed on carcases.
They can be found almost anywhere, but they do not native to Australia, Southeast Asia or Antarctica. They are greatly adaptable to habitats they populate and that is why you can find them from Arctic, in rugged mountains, hot deserts, where a few fox species live, to very populated cities.