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Domestic dogs bark more than wolves and their wild cousins, but howl much less.

When a whine turns into a howl it means that the dog is lonely. These sounds are made just to announce loneliness. This is why they often howl when they get locked up by force or in some other way separated from their pack or family.
When a dog immediately starts howling, without barking or whining, it produces prolonged lingering sound. The animal is not lonely but announces its presence. They sometimes do it when they find themselves near extremely high-pitched or extremely low-pitched sound, such as siren or some high-pitched music that reminds them of howls of other dogs, so they respond to it.


Wounded animal will shriek. Animal scared to death will also shriek. If it happens during a fight with another dog, it should announce the end of the battle since it represents a signal of obvious defeat, which, at that moment, the more dominant dog will honour. This is all because the nature does not tolerate meaningless aggression. If the attacker keeps on biting, it is a sign of a behavioral problem.