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179aKingdom: Animals (Animalia)

Phylum (Phulum): Chordates (Chordata)

Subphylum (Subphulum): Vertebrates (Vertebrata)

Class (Classa): Mammals (Mammalia)

Order (Ordo): Carnivores (Carnivora)

Family (Familia): Dogs (Canidae)

Genus (Genus): Cuon

Species (Species): Dhole (Cuon alpinus)

Very often is called Red Dog due to the colour of he fur. It is considered as one of the fastest dogs.

All dogs found in wilderness eat fast but dhole eats its food especially quick in huge amounts. Grown Dhole can eat four kilos of meat within an hour.

As African Wild Dog, it is endangered. There is around 2,000 specimens left.


They are around 60 cm tall and weigh 12–20 kg. They are are about 90 cm long.

Ears are similar, but smaller, than the African Wild Dog's, since they are more rounded and triangular and less pointy than the Wolf's, Coyote's, Jackal's... They have red fur, where Chinese Dhole has thicker and darker fur than the one that inhabits southerner regions, the Indian Dhole.


Sometimes a few families gather and form huge Dhole pack called "clan" which means tribe and consists of even 40 specimens. This helps them hunt take down larger prey. Besides that, clan protects prey from bears, tigers, jaguars and vultures since they share their habitat, and to certain point the prey too.


They feed on medium and large animals. Mostly they hunt different types of deer, and thanks to their speed they are capable of catching the fastest prey. Like other canids, during food deficiency they eat berries, lizards and insects.


They populate tropical forests and jungles of India and Southeast Asia.