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Some canids are nocturnal while others are semi-nocturnal. The rest are diurnal, they hunt by day.

198a1. Nocturnal hunters: In search for prey they mostly rely on smell and sound than sight. Generally, active at night are: Maned Wolf, Bush Dog, Raccoon Dog. Jackal goes hunting usually around dusk, Coyotes are primarily nocturnal.



2. Diurnal hunters: Dhole and African Wild Dog are hunters by day, following the prey relying on sight as much as on smell and sound. African Wild Dogs most commonly hunt in daylight roaming across huge areas.


3. Diurnal and nocturnal hunters: Wolves hunt any time of day or night, but mostly at dusk. In summertime they take naps during the day, and go in search for food at night. Moonlight often helps them see better. Fox prefers hunting by night over during the day, but will hunt in sunlight too. Small african fox – Fennec hides in shadows or dark dens during hot days, at night it will go hunting.