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65aDNA chain codes in dogs and humans are more than 90% match. However, it is very clear that dogs are different from humans in appearance, lifestyle, perception, reality, communication... Alongside obvious differences, there are many similarities that we do not notice and differences that we put aside so we get prone to humanization of a dog.
One of the analogies is that dogs are not keen on greeting everyone they know in the street, although greeting with humans is a part of social norm. Also, it will happen that the dog will not be in the mood for meeting someone. It is not necessary to mention that humans do not greet strangers in the street. That is also a part of unwritten social norm.

Besides, dog pack resembles human society organization in many ways. If we compare humans and dogs, it will look like this:

1. Leaders are the best members of a pack.
2. There are alpha male and alpha female. They have different roles but are equally important to the pack.
3. They are monogamous beings. When they pair up they live together their whole lives.
4. They always properly raise their young which is why they follow their lead.
5. Young listen to them.
6. They reproduce in accordance to conditions and circumstances. If there is a big food deficiency, they will skip that year's mating opportunity.
7. They are not promiscuous beings in mating period.

1. Leaders are usually not best members of a pack.
2. Usually, either a man is an alpha or a women is an alpha, rarely both.
3. Monogamy is so rare that it can be considered an exception. A person who changed at least on partner is no longer monogamous.
4. Improper upbringing of children is very common. Either too strict or too indulging. It is either giving too much attention or neglect.
5. Children, especially youngsters, do not listen to their parents.
6. The more difficult living conditions are, the more humans reproduce.
7. Humans are promiscuous beings or at least more promiscuous than wolves.